
Welcome to Nostrascore! In our competitions, participants put their football prediction skills to the test by forecasting the exact score of matches. Here's how it works:


  • Participants earn the most points by accurately predicting the exact score of the match.
  • Even if the exact score is not predicted, points can still be earned based on the following criteria:
    1. Predicting the correct outcome (win, lose, or draw).
    2. Predicting the exact number of goals scored by one of the teams.
    3. Predicting the minimum number of goals scored by one of the teams.


  1. If a competitor predicts a 2-2 draw, but the match ends in a 3-3 draw:
    • Points are awarded for predicting a draw.
    • Points are awarded for predicting the home team to score at least 2 goals.
    • Points are awarded for predicting the away team to score at least 2 goals.
  2. If a competitor predicts a 1-0 win for the home team, but the match ends in a 1-3 loss:
    • Points are awarded for predicting the home team to score exactly 1 goal.
  3. If a competitor predicts a 2-0 win for the home team, but the match ends in a 1-3 loss:
    • No points are awarded, as neither the outcome nor the goals scored match the prediction.
  4. If a competitor predicts a 2-4 win for the away team, but the match ends in a 2-3 loss:
    • Points are awarded for predicting an away team win.
    • Points are awarded for predicting the home team to score exactly two goals.

Points Allocation:

The points received by a competitor depend on the probability of the event. The total points received for a predicted outcome will be equal to (bookmaker odds - 1) * 100.

For example, if the bookmaker odds for the home team winning 2:0 are 8.5, then the earned points for competitors who predict a 2:0 outcome will be (8.5 - 1) * 100 = 750 points. A competitor who put a 1:0 prediction for this match may win 215 points because the bookmaker odds for the home team to win with any score might be 1.32 and the away team not scoring might be 2.83. The formula is (1.32 - 1) * 100 + (2.83 - 1) * 100 = 32 + 183 = 215 points.

Predicting the correct score will bring the most possible points. If the outcome of the match is predicted partially, this will significantly decrease the earned points. Competitors may risk trying to predict unrealistic match results to have a chance to earn more points, but in this case, they will have a greater chance of earning 0 or minimal points.

The maximum number of points that a competitor can earn in a single match is 3000.

Match Duration:

If a match lasts until the 120th minute, the final result displayed on the scoreboard is considered for scoring purposes.