Create Football Prediction Competition

Increase points for matches with favourite team by
Choose your package:
1 tournament
Up to 10 competitors
Monthly leaderboards
Favourite teams
1 tournament
Up to 100 competitors
Monthly leaderboards
Favourite teams
1 tournament
Up to 1000 competitors
Monthly leaderboards
Favourite teams
Up to 3 tournaments
Unlimited competitors
Monthly leaderboards
Favourite teams
Email domain verification

* One-time payment
* Taxes may apply

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Match to match predictions competition type allows users to predict exact score of each match in chosen tournament. The more accurate the prediction the more points user will get.

Public competitions are visible for everyone and everyone can join them.
Private competitions are visible only for competitors who will join using secure link that you will share with them.

Email domain verification allows to verify that user has valid email in specified domain before joining the competition. This feature is useful for corporate competitions among colleagues.