İçel İdmanyurdu Spor

Total: 23
Wins: 3
Draws: 3
Loses: 17
Clean sheets: 6
Failed to score: 13

Home matches
Total: 12
Wins: 2
Draws: 0
Loses: 10
Clean sheets: 2
Failed to score: 7

Away matches
Total: 11
Wins: 1
Draws: 3
Loses: 7
Clean sheets: 4
Failed to score: 6

First to score: 5
First to score and lost: 2
Conceded first and won: 0

Goals for
Total: 12
Average per match: 0.52

Goals for at home
Total: 6
Average per match: 0.5

Goals for away
Total: 6
Average per match: 0.55

Goals against
Total: 47
Average per match: 2.04

Goals against at home
Total: 26
Average per match: 2.17

Goals against away
Total: 21
Average per match: 1.91

Total: 2
Scored: 2
Scoring percentage: 100%
Missed: 0
Missing percentage: 0%

Yellow: 2
Yellow per match: 0.09
Red: 2
Red per match: 0.09
E. Arslan
E. Arslan #7 Germany
İ. Güler
İ. Güler #9 Türkiye
Y. Arıca
Y. Arıca #17 Türkiye
M. Akpınar
M. Akpınar #19 Türkiye
M. Şebelek
M. Şebelek #61 Türkiye
Y. Uzabacı
Y. Uzabacı #76 Türkiye
S. Yavaş
S. Yavaş #2 Türkiye
R. Ağca
R. Ağca #8 Netherlands
C. David
C. David #10 Netherlands
F. Güneş
F. Güneş #11 Türkiye
Kerem Can Meşe
Kerem Can Meşe #18 Turkey
F. Çoğalan
F. Çoğalan #21 Türkiye
E. Çenşi
E. Çenşi #49 Türkiye
M. Toklu
M. Toklu #54 Türkiye
B. Parlak
B. Parlak #4 Türkiye
G. Gelmen
G. Gelmen #33 Türkiye
Y. Boyar
Y. Boyar #1 Türkiye
S. Özkan
S. Özkan #89 Türkiye