Elgin City

Total: 3
Wins: 1
Draws: 1
Loses: 1
Clean sheets: 0
Failed to score: 1

Home matches
Total: 3
Wins: 1
Draws: 1
Loses: 1
Clean sheets: 0
Failed to score: 1

Away matches
Total: 0
Wins: 0
Draws: 0
Loses: 0
Clean sheets: 0
Failed to score: 0

First to score: 1
First to score and lost: 0
Conceded first and won: 0

Goals for
Total: 4
Average per match: 1.33

Goals for at home
Total: 4
Average per match: 1.33

Goals for away
Total: 0
Average per match: 0

Goals against
Total: 6
Average per match: 2

Goals against at home
Total: 6
Average per match: 2

Goals against away
Total: 0
Average per match: 0

Yellow: 4
Yellow per match: 1.33
Red: 1
Red per match: 0.33
D. Golding
D. Golding #9 England
R. Sargent
R. Sargent #10 Scotland
D. Gavin
D. Gavin #16 Republic of Ireland
O. McDonald
O. McDonald #18 Scotland
C. Parton
C. Parton #4 Scotland
R. Dingwall
R. Dingwall #7 Scotland
B. Cameron
B. Cameron #8 Scotland
C. Brown
C. Brown #15 Scotland
L. Hyde
L. Hyde #17 Scotland
M. Gallagher
M. Gallagher #19 Scotland
R. MacLeman
R. MacLeman #22 Scotland
D. Fraser
D. Fraser #26 Scotland
L. MacDonald
L. MacDonald #27 Scotland
R. MacEwan
R. MacEwan Scotland
M. Cooper
M. Cooper #2 Scotland
L. Booth
L. Booth #3 Scotland
J. Dolzanski
J. Dolzanski #5 Scotland
J. Murray
J. Murray #6 Scotland
O. Cairns
O. Cairns #12 Scotland
K. Girvan
K. Girvan #14 Scotland
R. Draper
R. Draper #23 England
C. Haspell
C. Haspell Scotland
A. Glavin
A. Glavin #1 Scotland
C. Taylor
C. Taylor #21 Scotland
T. McHale
T. McHale #28 England
O. Kelly
O. Kelly Scotland
Elgin City
Scotland Scotland
Founded in 1893

Borough Briggs 3927
Elgin, ScotlandBorough Briggs, Elgin, Scotland