
Total: 28
Wins: 18
Draws: 6
Loses: 4
Clean sheets: 14
Failed to score: 4

Home matches
Total: 14
Wins: 10
Draws: 3
Loses: 1
Clean sheets: 8
Failed to score: 2

Away matches
Total: 14
Wins: 8
Draws: 3
Loses: 3
Clean sheets: 6
Failed to score: 2

First to score: 21
First to score and lost: 1
Conceded first and won: 1

Goals for
Total: 55
Average per match: 1.96

Goals for at home
Total: 29
Average per match: 2.07

Goals for away
Total: 26
Average per match: 1.86

Goals against
Total: 25
Average per match: 0.89

Goals against at home
Total: 9
Average per match: 0.64

Goals against away
Total: 16
Average per match: 1.14

Total: 5
Scored: 5
Scoring percentage: 100%
Missed: 0
Missing percentage: 0%

Yellow: 44
Yellow per match: 1.57
Red: 1
Red per match: 0.04
M. Thomson
M. Thomson #7 Scotland
R. MacIver
R. MacIver #9 Scotland
A. Agyeman
A. Agyeman #11 Italy
B. Stewart
B. Stewart #16 England
G. Oliver
G. Oliver #18 Scotland
E. Brophy
E. Brophy #25 Scotland
F. Yeats
F. Yeats #2 Scotland
B. Spencer
B. Spencer #8 Scotland
A. Nesbitt
A. Nesbitt #10 Scotland
D. Tait
D. Tait #21 Scotland
E. Ross
E. Ross #23 Scotland
C. Miller
C. Miller #29 Scotland
F. McCafferty
F. McCafferty #34 Scotland
C. McCrone
C. McCrone #35 Scotland
S. Arfield
S. Arfield #37 Canada
T. Gibb
T. Gibb #38 Scotland
L. McCann
L. McCann #3 Scotland
L. Henderson
L. Henderson #5 Scotland
C. Donaldson
C. Donaldson #6 Scotland
K. Adams
K. Adams #20 Scotland
L. Graham
L. Graham #22 Scotland
D. O'Connor
D. O'Connor #24 Republic of Ireland
S. Mackie
S. Mackie #26 Scotland
T. Lang
T. Lang Scotland
N. Hogarth
N. Hogarth #1 Scotland
J. Sneddon
J. Sneddon #12 Scotland
R. Munro
R. Munro #31 Scotland