
Total: 27
Wins: 8
Draws: 10
Loses: 9
Clean sheets: 9
Failed to score: 11

Home matches
Total: 13
Wins: 6
Draws: 4
Loses: 3
Clean sheets: 6
Failed to score: 4

Away matches
Total: 14
Wins: 2
Draws: 6
Loses: 6
Clean sheets: 3
Failed to score: 7

First to score: 12
First to score and lost: 3
Conceded first and won: 2

Goals for
Total: 30
Average per match: 1.11

Goals for at home
Total: 17
Average per match: 1.31

Goals for away
Total: 13
Average per match: 0.93

Goals against
Total: 35
Average per match: 1.3

Goals against at home
Total: 11
Average per match: 0.85

Goals against away
Total: 24
Average per match: 1.71

Total: 1
Scored: 1
Scoring percentage: 100%
Missed: 0
Missing percentage: 0%

Yellow: 58
Yellow per match: 2.15
Red: 2
Red per match: 0.07
O. Moffat
O. Moffat #7 Scotland
Filip Stuparević
Filip Stuparević #9 Serbia
L. Reynolds
L. Reynolds #11 England
M. Garrity
M. Garrity #18 Scotland
N. McGinn
N. McGinn #20 Northern Ireland
T. Adeloye
T. Adeloye #99 England
C. Blues
C. Blues #8 Scotland
A. Crawford
A. Crawford #14 Scotland
A. Lyall
A. Lyall #17 Scotland
G. Gillespie
G. Gillespie #21 Scotland
N. Shaw
N. Shaw #22 England
I. Wilson
I. Wilson #27 Scotland
L. O'Boy
L. O'Boy #31 Scotland
J. Davies
J. Davies #10 Wales
C. Ballantyne
C. Ballantyne #2 Scotland
Z. Delaney
Z. Delaney #3 Republic of Ireland
D. Corr
D. Corr #4 Scotland
J. Baird
J. Baird #5 Scotland
M. Boyes
M. Boyes #6 Wales
R. Mullen
R. Mullen #1 Scotland
G. Woods
G. Woods #33 England