
Total: 23
Wins: 13
Draws: 6
Loses: 4
Clean sheets: 10
Failed to score: 6

Home matches
Total: 11
Wins: 8
Draws: 2
Loses: 1
Clean sheets: 5
Failed to score: 1

Away matches
Total: 12
Wins: 5
Draws: 4
Loses: 3
Clean sheets: 5
Failed to score: 5

First to score: 14
First to score and lost: 0
Conceded first and won: 1

Goals for
Total: 32
Average per match: 1.39

Goals for at home
Total: 19
Average per match: 1.73

Goals for away
Total: 13
Average per match: 1.08

Goals against
Total: 17
Average per match: 0.74

Goals against at home
Total: 6
Average per match: 0.55

Goals against away
Total: 11
Average per match: 0.92

Total: 2
Scored: 2
Scoring percentage: 100%
Missed: 0
Missing percentage: 0%

Yellow: 62
Yellow per match: 2.7
Red: 1
Red per match: 0.04
L. Sole
L. Sole #7 England
T. Yengi
T. Yengi #9 Australia
S. May
S. May #17 Scotland
R. Muirhead
R. Muirhead #23 Scotland
S. Culbert
S. Culbert #36 Scotland
M. Ubochioma
M. Ubochioma Nigeria
R. Fraser
R. Fraser #11 Scotland
C. Montaño
C. Montaño #26 Colombia
R. McAlear
R. McAlear #6 Scotland
S. Kelly
S. Kelly #10 Scotland
L. Smith
L. Smith #15 Scotland
S. Lawal
S. Lawal #40 Nigeria
Tommy Sharp
Tommy Sharp Scotland
M. Tait
M. Tait Scotland
S. Pittman
S. Pittman #8 Scotland
A. Shinnie
A. Shinnie #22 Scotland
S. Donnellan
S. Donnellan #2 Republic of Ireland
M. Clarke
M. Clarke #3 Northern Ireland
R. McGowan
R. McGowan #5 Australia
J. Brandon
J. Brandon #12 Scotland
D. Finlayson
D. Finlayson #19 Northern Ireland
M. Nottingham
M. Nottingham #21 St. Kitts and Nevis
D. Wilson
D. Wilson #27 Scotland
J. Prior
J. Prior #28 France
J. Hamilton
J. Hamilton Scotland