Suwon City FC

Total: 1
Wins: 0
Draws: 1
Loses: 0
Clean sheets: 1
Failed to score: 1

Home matches
Total: 0
Wins: 0
Draws: 0
Loses: 0
Clean sheets: 0
Failed to score: 0

Away matches
Total: 1
Wins: 0
Draws: 1
Loses: 0
Clean sheets: 1
Failed to score: 1

First to score: 0
First to score and lost: 0
Conceded first and won: 0

Goals for
Total: 0
Average per match: 0

Goals for at home
Total: 0
Average per match: 0

Goals for away
Total: 0
Average per match: 0

Goals against
Total: 0
Average per match: 0

Goals against at home
Total: 0
Average per match: 0

Goals against away
Total: 0
Average per match: 0

Yellow: 1
Yellow per match: 1
Red: 0
Red per match: 0
An Byong-Jun
An Byong-Jun #9 Korea DPR
Baek Kyung
Baek Kyung Korea Republic
Choi Chi-Ung
Choi Chi-Ung Korea Republic
Anderson Oliveira
Anderson Oliveira #70 Brazil
Ji Dong-Won
Ji Dong-Won #10 Korea Republic
Jung Seung-Bae
Jung Seung-Bae #44 Korea Republic
Kang Min-Sung
Kang Min-Sung #27 Korea Republic
Kwon Gi-Hyun
Kwon Gi-Hyun Korea Republic
Lee Dae-Gwang
Lee Dae-Gwang Korea Republic
Lee Gwang-Hyeok
Lee Gwang-Hyeok #22 Korea Republic
Lee Jae-Won
Lee Jae-Won #16 Korea Republic
Lee Joon-Suk
Lee Joon-Suk #18 Korea Republic
Lee Taek-Geun
Lee Taek-Geun Korea Republic
Park Yong-Hui
Park Yong-Hui Korea Republic
P. Sabbag
P. Sabbag Colombia
L. Abanda
L. Abanda France
Choi San
Choi San Korea Republic
Jang Yun-Ho
Jang Yun-Ho Korea Republic
Jo Jun-Hyun
Jo Jun-Hyun #28 Korea Republic
Kim Do-Yoon
Kim Do-Yoon Korea Republic
Kim Won-Hyung
Kim Won-Hyung Korea Republic
Lee Joseph
Lee Joseph Korea Republic
Lee Yun-Gun
Lee Yun-Gun Korea Republic
M. Ofkir
M. Ofkir Norway
Park Cheol-Woo
Park Cheol-Woo #3 Korea Republic
Roh Kyung-Ho
Roh Kyung-Ho Korea Republic
Seo Jae-Min
Seo Jae-Min Korea Republic
Sin Il-Yeon
Sin Il-Yeon #37 Korea Republic
Yang Woo-Jin
Yang Woo-Jin Korea Republic
Yeom Do-Hyun
Yeom Do-Hyun Korea Republic
Yoon Bit-Garam
Yoon Bit-Garam #14 Korea Republic
Choi Kyu-Baek
Choi Kyu-Baek #6 Korea Republic
Han Sang-Kyu
Han Sang-Kyu Korea Republic
Hwang In-Taek
Hwang In-Taek Korea Republic
Jang Young-Woo
Jang Young-Woo #26 Korea Republic
Kim Dae-Hyun
Kim Dae-Hyun Korea Republic
Kim Eun-Gyeom
Kim Eun-Gyeom Korea Republic
Kim Jae-Sung
Kim Jae-Sung Korea Republic
Kim Ju-Yeop
Kim Ju-Yeop #24 Korea Republic
Kim Tae-Han
Kim Tae-Han #15 Korea Republic
Kwon Do-Yeong
Kwon Do-Yeong Korea Republic
Lee Hyun-Yong
Lee Hyun-Yong #30 Korea Republic
Lee Yong
Lee Yong #88 Korea Republic
Lee Zi-Sol
Lee Zi-Sol Korea Republic
Ahn Joon-Soo
Ahn Joon-Soo #13 Korea Republic
Baek Seung-Min
Baek Seung-Min Korea Republic
Hwang Ju-Ho
Hwang Ju-Ho Korea Republic
Park Bae-Jong
Park Bae-Jong #1 Korea Republic