PAS Giannina

Total: 3
Wins: 2
Draws: 0
Loses: 1
Clean sheets: 2
Failed to score: 1

Home matches
Total: 1
Wins: 0
Draws: 0
Loses: 1
Clean sheets: 0
Failed to score: 1

Away matches
Total: 2
Wins: 2
Draws: 0
Loses: 0
Clean sheets: 2
Failed to score: 0

First to score: 2
First to score and lost: 0
Conceded first and won: 0

Goals for
Total: 18
Average per match: 6

Goals for at home
Total: 0
Average per match: 0

Goals for away
Total: 18
Average per match: 9

Goals against
Total: 2
Average per match: 0.67

Goals against at home
Total: 2
Average per match: 2

Goals against away
Total: 0
Average per match: 0

Total: 2
Scored: 2
Scoring percentage: 100%
Missed: 0
Missing percentage: 0%

Yellow: 1
Yellow per match: 0.33
Red: 0
Red per match: 0
A. Lolis
A. Lolis #8 Greece
V. Mantzis
V. Mantzis #9 Greece
J. Leo
J. Leo #11 France
Leonid Mina
Leonid Mina #22 Greece
A. Tsiris
A. Tsiris #32 Greece
N. Tzovaras
N. Tzovaras Greece
M. Azeez
M. Azeez #4 England
C. Voutsas
C. Voutsas #5 Greece
M. Begala
M. Begala #16 Slovakia
I. Kyrkos
I. Kyrkos #19 Greece
M. Heinrich
M. Heinrich #27 Germany
P. Kafetzis
P. Kafetzis #38 Greece
T. Rieder
T. Rieder #40 Germany
O. Kalemi
O. Kalemi #70 Greece
T. Loupas
T. Loupas #80 Greece
A. Nikolias
A. Nikolias #88 Greece
J. Sobociński
J. Sobociński #6 Poland
D. Naoumis
D. Naoumis #21 Greece
Xenophontas Panos
Xenophontas Panos #25 Greece
A. Doumas
A. Doumas #44 Greece
M. Bakadimas
M. Bakadimas #45 Greece
V. Athanasiou
V. Athanasiou #77 Greece
V. Kaperdas
V. Kaperdas Greece
Ilias Simantirakis
Ilias Simantirakis Greece
P. Ginis
P. Ginis #1 Greece
T. Vrakas
T. Vrakas #74 Greece
V. Athanasiou
V. Athanasiou #99 Greece
PAS Giannina
Greece Greece
Founded in 1966

Stadio Zosimades 7652
Ioannina, GreeceStadio Zosimades, Ioannina, Greece