Muscelul Câmpulung Elite

Total: 16
Wins: 2
Draws: 1
Loses: 13
Clean sheets: 2
Failed to score: 10

Home matches
Total: 8
Wins: 2
Draws: 1
Loses: 5
Clean sheets: 2
Failed to score: 4

Away matches
Total: 8
Wins: 0
Draws: 0
Loses: 8
Clean sheets: 0
Failed to score: 6

First to score: 4
First to score and lost: 3
Conceded first and won: 1

Goals for
Total: 7
Average per match: 0.44

Goals for at home
Total: 5
Average per match: 0.62

Goals for away
Total: 2
Average per match: 0.25

Goals against
Total: 39
Average per match: 2.44

Goals against at home
Total: 18
Average per match: 2.25

Goals against away
Total: 21
Average per match: 2.62

Total: 1
Scored: 1
Scoring percentage: 100%
Missed: 0
Missing percentage: 0%

Yellow: 30
Yellow per match: 1.88
Red: 1
Red per match: 0.06
V. Buhăcianu
V. Buhăcianu Romania
D. Ciurea
D. Ciurea Romania
Ș. Ghiță
Ș. Ghiță Romania
R. Nistor
R. Nistor Romania
I. Oprișan
I. Oprișan Romania
A. Popescu
A. Popescu Romania
E. Alima
E. Alima Cameroon
M. Brumă
M. Brumă Romania
Ș. Coman
Ș. Coman Romania
V. Coșereanu
V. Coșereanu Romania
D. dos Santos
D. dos Santos Netherlands
R. Ene
R. Ene Romania
L. Florică
L. Florică Romania
Alexandru Ilie Răuță
Alexandru Ilie Răuță Romania
I. Jenaru
I. Jenaru Romania
Aleksandru Robert Longher
Aleksandru Robert Longher Romania
M. Mitoi
M. Mitoi Romania
D. Nistor
D. Nistor Romania
Antonio Petru Niță
Antonio Petru Niță Romania
J. Ntamack
J. Ntamack Cameroon
P. Papi
P. Papi Ghana
D. Popescu
D. Popescu Romania
D. Salihovic
D. Salihovic Germany
L. Stancu
L. Stancu Romania
B. Vasile
B. Vasile Romania
J. Celestin
J. Celestin France
Ș. Farcaș
Ș. Farcaș Romania
V. Gîsă
V. Gîsă Romania
A. Radu
A. Radu Romania
M. Sanda
M. Sanda Romania
Robert Dorian Stănici
Robert Dorian Stănici Romania
Andrei Stelea
Andrei Stelea Romania
R. Bădulescu
R. Bădulescu Romania
S. Bălănică
S. Bălănică Romania
R. Munteanu
R. Munteanu Romania
Marian Voicu
Marian Voicu Romania