Progresul Spartac

Total: 1
Wins: 0
Draws: 0
Loses: 1
Clean sheets: 0
Failed to score: 0

Home matches
Total: 0
Wins: 0
Draws: 0
Loses: 0
Clean sheets: 0
Failed to score: 0

Away matches
Total: 1
Wins: 0
Draws: 0
Loses: 1
Clean sheets: 0
Failed to score: 0

First to score: 0
First to score and lost: 0
Conceded first and won: 0

Goals for
Total: 1
Average per match: 1

Goals for at home
Total: 0
Average per match: 0

Goals for away
Total: 1
Average per match: 1

Goals against
Total: 2
Average per match: 2

Goals against at home
Total: 0
Average per match: 0

Goals against away
Total: 2
Average per match: 2

Yellow: 0
Yellow per match: 0
Red: 0
Red per match: 0
M. Andrei
M. Andrei Romania
P. Aron
P. Aron Romania
Octavian Cepoi
Octavian Cepoi Romania
R. Mirea
R. Mirea Romania
A. Popescu
A. Popescu Romania
A. Preda
A. Preda Romania
A. Bărbuț
A. Bărbuț Romania
I. Costea
I. Costea Romania
C. Dinache
C. Dinache Romania
M. Dumitru
M. Dumitru Romania
Bogdan Ionuț Fîrțînescu
Bogdan Ionuț Fîrțînescu Romania
A. Grigore
A. Grigore Romania
V. Istrate
V. Istrate Romania
A. Ohaci
A. Ohaci Romania
Nicolae Răzvan Stîngă
Nicolae Răzvan Stîngă Romania
A. Străchinescu
A. Străchinescu Romania
N. Tong
N. Tong Romania
Alexandru George Apostol
Alexandru George Apostol Romania
V. Calea
V. Calea Romania
D. Geană
D. Geană Romania
R. Iacob
R. Iacob Romania
A. Paliu
A. Paliu Romania
D. Parfeon
D. Parfeon Romania
E. Radu
E. Radu Romania
S. Radu
S. Radu Romania
Alexandru Cătălin Zamfir
Alexandru Cătălin Zamfir Romania
M. Ciontoș
M. Ciontoș Romania
D. Dumitrescu
D. Dumitrescu Romania
D. Paraschiv
D. Paraschiv Romania
M. Vlaicu
M. Vlaicu Romania
Progresul Spartac
Romania Romania

Centrul de Fotbal Buftea Teren Sintetic 450
Buftea, RomaniaCentrul de Fotbal Buftea Teren Sintetic, Buftea, Romania