FC Clinceni

Total: 39
Wins: 3
Draws: 5
Loses: 31
Clean sheets: 3
Failed to score: 22

Home matches
Total: 19
Wins: 2
Draws: 3
Loses: 14
Clean sheets: 3
Failed to score: 10

Away matches
Total: 20
Wins: 1
Draws: 2
Loses: 17
Clean sheets: 0
Failed to score: 12

First to score: 6
First to score and lost: 2
Conceded first and won: 1

Goals for
Total: 25
Average per match: 0.64

Goals for at home
Total: 12
Average per match: 0.63

Goals for away
Total: 13
Average per match: 0.65

Goals against
Total: 96
Average per match: 2.46

Goals against at home
Total: 40
Average per match: 2.11

Goals against away
Total: 56
Average per match: 2.8

Total: 3
Scored: 3
Scoring percentage: 100%
Missed: 0
Missing percentage: 0%

Yellow: 93
Yellow per match: 2.38
Red: 4
Red per match: 0.1
D. Massaro
D. Massaro #7 Italy
R. Jerdea
R. Jerdea #9 Romania
William Amorim
William Amorim #20 Brazil
Steven Rick Ruben Goma
Steven Rick Ruben Goma #77 France
A. Melniciuc
A. Melniciuc #92 Romania
A. Dima
A. Dima #99 Romania
Stipe Plazibat
Stipe Plazibat Croatia
V. Gogov
V. Gogov #6 Bulgaria
A. Tsvetkov
A. Tsvetkov #8 Bulgaria
Muhamed Alghoul
Muhamed Alghoul #10 Palestine
M. Obedeanu
M. Obedeanu #14 Romania
Ovidiu George Sterian
Ovidiu George Sterian #18 Romania
R. Ion
R. Ion #21 Romania
A. Iana
A. Iana #24 Romania
L. Liș
L. Liș #27 Romania
M. Vrdoljak
M. Vrdoljak #31 Croatia
V. Dumitrache
V. Dumitrache #44 Romania
Aleksandru Robert Longher
Aleksandru Robert Longher #45 Romania
Iulian Cristian Ștefan
Iulian Cristian Ștefan #66 Romania
Lucian Ionuț Filip
Lucian Ionuț Filip #88 Romania
Florin Alexandru
Florin Alexandru Romania
Roberto Alexandru Neagu
Roberto Alexandru Neagu Romania
P. Čmovš
P. Čmovš #4 Czechia
Cătălin Andrei Ion
Cătălin Andrei Ion #5 Romania
M. Jutrić
M. Jutrić #15 Austria
A. Rufati
A. Rufati #19 North Macedonia
Daniel Cristian Oprea
Daniel Cristian Oprea #23 Romania
Cosmin Ionuț Ioniță
Cosmin Ionuț Ioniță #25 Romania
Marian Cosmin Ion
Marian Cosmin Ion #28 Romania
M. Holzmann
M. Holzmann #90 Austria
Valentin Claudiu Cristea
Valentin Claudiu Cristea Romania
A. Mboko
A. Mboko Belgium
L. Vlăsceanu
L. Vlăsceanu Romania
J. Corinus
J. Corinus #29 France
Mirel Georgian Bolboașă
Mirel Georgian Bolboașă #1 Romania
A. Ureche
A. Ureche #82 Romania
FC Clinceni
Romania Romania
Founded in 2008