FC jazz

Total: 27
Wins: 10
Draws: 4
Loses: 13
Clean sheets: 3
Failed to score: 6

Home matches
Total: 13
Wins: 5
Draws: 3
Loses: 5
Clean sheets: 2
Failed to score: 2

Away matches
Total: 14
Wins: 5
Draws: 1
Loses: 8
Clean sheets: 1
Failed to score: 4

First to score: 11
First to score and lost: 2
Conceded first and won: 2

Goals for
Total: 52
Average per match: 1.93

Goals for at home
Total: 25
Average per match: 1.92

Goals for away
Total: 27
Average per match: 1.93

Goals against
Total: 58
Average per match: 2.15

Goals against at home
Total: 24
Average per match: 1.85

Goals against away
Total: 34
Average per match: 2.43

Total: 4
Scored: 4
Scoring percentage: 100%
Missed: 0
Missing percentage: 0%

Yellow: 56
Yellow per match: 2.07
Red: 2
Red per match: 0.07
O. Chinonso
O. Chinonso Nigeria
Lyon Firmino
Lyon Firmino #9 Brazil
J. Lehto
J. Lehto #10 Finland
W. Riihimäki
W. Riihimäki #7 Finland
H. Tanaka
H. Tanaka #77 Japan
R. Barrett
R. Barrett #16 Finland
Eeli Kiiskilä
Eeli Kiiskilä #41 Finland
F. Lamminen
F. Lamminen #14 Finland
J. Lehto
J. Lehto #22 Finland
E. Nieminen
E. Nieminen #33 Finland
E. Pärkö
E. Pärkö Finland
N. Puustinen
N. Puustinen #21 Finland
T. Sasaki
T. Sasaki #99 Japan
Benjamin Tuovinen
Benjamin Tuovinen #3 Finland
T. Väkiparra
T. Väkiparra #13 Finland
N. Aydin
N. Aydin #67 Finland
J. Lemiö
J. Lemiö #2 Finland
A. Luhtanen
A. Luhtanen #4 Finland
J. Mäkinen
J. Mäkinen Finland
J. Rantanen
J. Rantanen #11 Finland
E. Tuominen
E. Tuominen Finland
T. Ushiyama
T. Ushiyama #18 Japan
E. Uusitalo
E. Uusitalo #8 Finland
L. Leivo-Jokimäki
L. Leivo-Jokimäki #28 Finland
M. Ojanen
M. Ojanen #29 Finland
R. Simula
R. Simula #1 Finland
A. Takala
A. Takala #12 Finland
FC jazz
Finland Finland
Founded in 1934

Porin Stadion 12000
Pori, FinlandPorin Stadion, Pori, Finland