Suduva Marijampole

Total: 38
Wins: 10
Draws: 12
Loses: 16
Clean sheets: 13
Failed to score: 16

Home matches
Total: 19
Wins: 5
Draws: 8
Loses: 6
Clean sheets: 8
Failed to score: 9

Away matches
Total: 19
Wins: 5
Draws: 4
Loses: 10
Clean sheets: 5
Failed to score: 7

First to score: 14
First to score and lost: 1
Conceded first and won: 2

Goals for
Total: 34
Average per match: 0.89

Goals for at home
Total: 13
Average per match: 0.68

Goals for away
Total: 21
Average per match: 1.11

Goals against
Total: 41
Average per match: 1.08

Goals against at home
Total: 14
Average per match: 0.74

Goals against away
Total: 27
Average per match: 1.42

Total: 9
Scored: 9
Scoring percentage: 100%
Missed: 0
Missing percentage: 0%

Yellow: 92
Yellow per match: 2.42
Red: 4
Red per match: 0.11
L. Zingertas
L. Zingertas #21 Lithuania
D. Zubavičius
D. Zubavičius #31 Lithuania
U. Oduenyi
U. Oduenyi #94 Nigeria
Omran Haydary
Omran Haydary Afghanistan
N. Petkevičius
N. Petkevičius Lithuania
M. Pyrogov
M. Pyrogov #13 Ukraine
I. Stoianov
I. Stoianov #23 Moldova
N. Lukšys
N. Lukšys Lithuania
Kota Sakurai
Kota Sakurai Japan
D. Stankevičius
D. Stankevičius Lithuania
H. Uzochukwu
H. Uzochukwu #4 Nigeria
Ž. Baltrūnas
Ž. Baltrūnas #5 Lithuania
A. Živanović
A. Živanović #15 Serbia
I. Zotko
I. Zotko #96 Ukraine
T. Gumbelevičius
T. Gumbelevičius #97 Lithuania
M. Beneta
M. Beneta Lithuania
G. Zenkevičius
G. Zenkevičius #12 Lithuania
I. Plūkas
I. Plūkas Lithuania
Suduva Marijampole
Lithuania Lithuania
Founded in 1930

Hikvision Football Indoor Arena 2680
Marijampolė, LithuaniaHikvision Football Indoor Arena, Marijampolė, Lithuania