Maidstone Utd

Total: 4
Wins: 3
Draws: 0
Loses: 1
Clean sheets: 2
Failed to score: 1

Home matches
Total: 2
Wins: 2
Draws: 0
Loses: 0
Clean sheets: 1
Failed to score: 0

Away matches
Total: 2
Wins: 1
Draws: 0
Loses: 1
Clean sheets: 1
Failed to score: 1

First to score: 2
First to score and lost: 0
Conceded first and won: 0

Goals for
Total: 6
Average per match: 1.5

Goals for at home
Total: 5
Average per match: 2.5

Goals for away
Total: 1
Average per match: 0.5

Goals against
Total: 4
Average per match: 1

Goals against at home
Total: 1
Average per match: 0.5

Goals against away
Total: 3
Average per match: 1.5

Yellow: 5
Yellow per match: 1.25
Red: 0
Red per match: 0
M. Bentley
M. Bentley England
A. Blair
A. Blair England
S. Coulthirst
S. Coulthirst England
G. Cundle
G. Cundle England
Ricardo de Niro German
Ricardo de Niro German Grenada
P. Fonkeu
P. Fonkeu Cameroon
Tom Leahy
Tom Leahy England
H. Lodovica
H. Lodovica England
Ruben Okemute Shakpoke
Ruben Okemute Shakpoke England
Baylin Johnson
Baylin Johnson England
S. Smith
S. Smith England
E. Wenham
E. Wenham England
S. Corne
S. Corne England
R. Court
R. Court England
T. Eweka
T. Eweka England
B. Gurung
B. Gurung England
J. Higgs
J. Higgs England
A. Krasniqi
A. Krasniqi Kosovo
H. Kyprianou
H. Kyprianou Cyprus
T. Trusty
T. Trusty Cyprus
B. Brookes
B. Brookes England
R. Brown
R. Brown England
G. Fowler
G. Fowler England
R. Greenidge
R. Greenidge Guyana
C. Seaman
C. Seaman England
S. Smith
S. Smith England
A. André
A. André Morocco
Lenny Holden
Lenny Holden England
Maidstone Utd
England England
Founded in 1992

Gallagher Stadium 4200
Maidstone, Kent, EnglandGallagher Stadium, Maidstone, Kent, England