
Total: 6
Wins: 5
Draws: 0
Loses: 1
Clean sheets: 3
Failed to score: 0

Home matches
Total: 4
Wins: 4
Draws: 0
Loses: 0
Clean sheets: 2
Failed to score: 0

Away matches
Total: 2
Wins: 1
Draws: 0
Loses: 1
Clean sheets: 1
Failed to score: 0

First to score: 4
First to score and lost: 0
Conceded first and won: 1

Goals for
Total: 12
Average per match: 2

Goals for at home
Total: 7
Average per match: 1.75

Goals for away
Total: 5
Average per match: 2.5

Goals against
Total: 5
Average per match: 0.83

Goals against at home
Total: 2
Average per match: 0.5

Goals against away
Total: 3
Average per match: 1.5

Yellow: 8
Yellow per match: 1.33
Red: 0
Red per match: 0
L. Coopmans
L. Coopmans #7 Luxembourg
V. Tjin-Asjoe
V. Tjin-Asjoe #11 Netherlands
M. Bakour
M. Bakour #14 Netherlands
M. El Kharbachi
M. El Kharbachi #16 Netherlands
R. Marbus
R. Marbus #18 Netherlands
A. Roep
A. Roep #25 Netherlands
E. Wendt
E. Wendt #31 Netherlands
J. Hak
J. Hak Netherlands
J. van hamburg
J. van hamburg Netherlands
B. Franken
B. Franken #8 Netherlands
Riley Reemnet
Riley Reemnet #10 Netherlands
G. da Fonseca
G. da Fonseca #15 Netherlands
D. Bakker
D. Bakker #19 Netherlands
S. Bosma
S. Bosma #26 Netherlands
R. Eskes
R. Eskes Netherlands
T. van Duin
T. van Duin Netherlands
Neto #2 Guinea-Bissau
D. Reinders
D. Reinders #3 Netherlands
M. Vink
M. Vink #4 Netherlands
J. Strooker
J. Strooker #5 Netherlands
B. Nhoca
B. Nhoca #6 Netherlands
K. Groot
K. Groot #17 Netherlands
T. Zethof
T. Zethof #22 Netherlands
D. Rietveld
D. Rietveld #40 Netherlands
B. Schol
B. Schol #1 Netherlands
S. van Hensbergen
S. van Hensbergen #44 Netherlands
R. Antonioli
R. Antonioli #46 Netherlands
J. Roggeveen
J. Roggeveen Suriname
Netherlands Netherlands
Founded in 1933

Sportpark Duinwetering 6100
Noordwijk, NetherlandsSportpark Duinwetering, Noordwijk, Netherlands