
Total: 31
Wins: 12
Draws: 7
Loses: 12
Clean sheets: 8
Failed to score: 5

Home matches
Total: 16
Wins: 6
Draws: 5
Loses: 5
Clean sheets: 3
Failed to score: 2

Away matches
Total: 15
Wins: 6
Draws: 2
Loses: 7
Clean sheets: 5
Failed to score: 3

First to score: 15
First to score and lost: 2
Conceded first and won: 2

Goals for
Total: 48
Average per match: 1.55

Goals for at home
Total: 28
Average per match: 1.75

Goals for away
Total: 20
Average per match: 1.33

Goals against
Total: 51
Average per match: 1.65

Goals against at home
Total: 27
Average per match: 1.69

Goals against away
Total: 24
Average per match: 1.6

Total: 1
Scored: 1
Scoring percentage: 100%
Missed: 0
Missing percentage: 0%

Yellow: 81
Yellow per match: 2.61
Red: 3
Red per match: 0.1
J. Akintunde
J. Akintunde England
D. Bulgakov
D. Bulgakov Finland
J. Da Sylva
J. Da Sylva France
Falcão Brazil
S. Traoré
S. Traoré France
R. Kalliomäki
R. Kalliomäki Finland
N. Martikainen
N. Martikainen Finland
A. Jalasvaara
A. Jalasvaara Finland
K. Multanen
K. Multanen Finland
R. Rautio
R. Rautio Finland
A. Sejdiu
A. Sejdiu #17 Kosovo
O. Viljamaa
O. Viljamaa Finland
A. Lehtomäki
A. Lehtomäki #15 Finland
S. Lindholm
S. Lindholm Finland
E. Mömmö
E. Mömmö Finland
V. Nyman
V. Nyman Finland
A. Okyere
A. Okyere Ghana
E. Romero
E. Romero Venezuela
O. Sallinen
O. Sallinen #13 Finland
R. Selander
R. Selander Finland
M. Almén
M. Almén Finland
N. Friberg
N. Friberg #3 Finland
Nícolas #5 Brazil
E. Heikkinen
E. Heikkinen Finland
J. Houston
J. Houston Scotland
K. Katz
K. Katz Finland
V. Purosalo
V. Purosalo Finland
N. Talo
N. Talo #2 Finland
O. Heino
O. Heino #32 Finland
Liam John Hughes
Liam John Hughes Northern Ireland
A. Lepola
A. Lepola #12 Finland
J. Silen
J. Silen Finland
K. Silen
K. Silen Finland