
Total: 4
Wins: 2
Draws: 1
Loses: 1
Clean sheets: 0
Failed to score: 1

Home matches
Total: 2
Wins: 1
Draws: 0
Loses: 1
Clean sheets: 0
Failed to score: 1

Away matches
Total: 2
Wins: 1
Draws: 1
Loses: 0
Clean sheets: 0
Failed to score: 0

First to score: 3
First to score and lost: 0
Conceded first and won: 0

Goals for
Total: 9
Average per match: 2.25

Goals for at home
Total: 2
Average per match: 1

Goals for away
Total: 7
Average per match: 3.5

Goals against
Total: 5
Average per match: 1.25

Goals against at home
Total: 2
Average per match: 1

Goals against away
Total: 3
Average per match: 1.5

Yellow: 2
Yellow per match: 0.5
Red: 0
Red per match: 0
S. Jebnoun
S. Jebnoun #5 France
F. Mendy
F. Mendy #7 France
M. Diallo
M. Diallo #9 Germany
G. Versini
G. Versini #11 France
M. Clairicia
M. Clairicia #14 France
N. Cervantes
N. Cervantes #26 Algeria
T. Tormin
T. Tormin #29 France
Y. Gomes
Y. Gomes #36 France
L. Pierre
L. Pierre #8 Haiti
F. N'Goma
F. N'Goma #10 France
I. Umbdenstock
I. Umbdenstock #15 France
T. Michel
T. Michel #19 Haiti
O. Chraibi
O. Chraibi #21 Morocco
D. Samba
D. Samba #22 France
M. Doumbouya
M. Doumbouya France
A. Ortega
A. Ortega Philippines
J. Pelletier
J. Pelletier #2 France
V. Pirès
V. Pirès #6 France
A. Mbengue
A. Mbengue #13 Senegal
A. Magnora
A. Magnora #17 Guinea
R. Duterte
R. Duterte #18 France
H. Colella
H. Colella #24 France
B. Agounon
B. Agounon #28 Benin
E. Tostivint
E. Tostivint #1 France
B. Cognard
B. Cognard #16 Guadeloupe
M. Ba
M. Ba #30 France
H. Konaté
H. Konaté #40 Burkina Faso
France France
Founded in 1883

Stade Gaston Petit 17072
Châteauroux, FranceStade Gaston Petit, Châteauroux, France