
Total: 3
Wins: 2
Draws: 1
Loses: 0
Clean sheets: 1
Failed to score: 0

Home matches
Total: 0
Wins: 0
Draws: 0
Loses: 0
Clean sheets: 0
Failed to score: 0

Away matches
Total: 3
Wins: 2
Draws: 1
Loses: 0
Clean sheets: 1
Failed to score: 0

First to score: 3
First to score and lost: 0
Conceded first and won: 0

Goals for
Total: 7
Average per match: 2.33

Goals for at home
Total: 0
Average per match: 0

Goals for away
Total: 7
Average per match: 2.33

Goals against
Total: 3
Average per match: 1

Goals against at home
Total: 0
Average per match: 0

Goals against away
Total: 3
Average per match: 1

Yellow: 0
Yellow per match: 0
Red: 1
Red per match: 0.33
K. Schur
K. Schur #8 France
Y. Barka
Y. Barka #9 France
J. Ikanga A Ngele
J. Ikanga A Ngele #10 France
Joseph Mendes
Joseph Mendes #19 Guinea-Bissau
A. Duville-Parsemain
A. Duville-Parsemain #25 Martinique
J. Meyer
J. Meyer #26 France
A. Djae
A. Djae #37 Comoros
R. Souici
R. Souici #6 France
B. Hamada
B. Hamada #7 Comoros
A. Lembezat
A. Lembezat #11 France
I. Camara
I. Camara #12 Guinea
J. Marié
J. Marié #14 France
Y. Chahid
Y. Chahid #17 France
Z. Moco
Z. Moco #27 Guadeloupe
S. Saber
S. Saber #31 France
I. Diallo
I. Diallo #2 France
N. Titebah
N. Titebah #3 France
E. Mendy
E. Mendy #4 France
Q. Bernard
Q. Bernard #5 France
S. Cissé
S. Cissé #13 France
H. Vargas-Ríos
H. Vargas-Ríos #20 France
M. Sylla
M. Sylla #21 France
C. Makutungu
C. Makutungu #23 France
I. Akakpo
I. Akakpo #32 France
M. Moussa
M. Moussa #34 France
L. Montfort
L. Montfort #1 France
P. Delecroix
P. Delecroix #16 France
V. Poisson
V. Poisson #30 France
France France
Founded in 1936