FK Zalgiris Vilnius

Total: 2
Wins: 1
Draws: 1
Loses: 0
Clean sheets: 0
Failed to score: 0

Home matches
Total: 1
Wins: 1
Draws: 0
Loses: 0
Clean sheets: 0
Failed to score: 0

Away matches
Total: 1
Wins: 0
Draws: 1
Loses: 0
Clean sheets: 0
Failed to score: 0

First to score: 2
First to score and lost: 0
Conceded first and won: 0

Goals for
Total: 5
Average per match: 2.5

Goals for at home
Total: 2
Average per match: 2

Goals for away
Total: 3
Average per match: 3

Goals against
Total: 4
Average per match: 2

Goals against at home
Total: 1
Average per match: 1

Goals against away
Total: 3
Average per match: 3

Yellow: 1
Yellow per match: 0.5
Red: 0
Red per match: 0
Bruno Tavares
Bruno Tavares Portugal
N. Petković
N. Petković #11 Serbia
M. Burba
M. Burba Lithuania
Vakaris Berenta
Vakaris Berenta #27 Lithuania
Patrik Matyžonok
Patrik Matyžonok #44 Lithuania
G. Mikelaitis
G. Mikelaitis Lithuania
A. Fofana
A. Fofana #2 Côte d'Ivoire
K. Hadji
K. Hadji France
D. Salčinović
D. Salčinović Sweden
G. Jarusevičius
G. Jarusevičius Lithuania
J. Larsson
J. Larsson #12 Sweden
G. Matulevičius
G. Matulevičius #17 Lithuania
O. Verbickas
O. Verbickas #22 Lithuania
K. Bička
K. Bička Lithuania
U. Simonavičius
U. Simonavičius #30 Lithuania
N. Klimavičius
N. Klimavičius Lithuania
D. Velička
D. Velička #39 Lithuania
N. Mihajlović
N. Mihajlović #71 Serbia
Y. Kendysh
Y. Kendysh #77 Belarus
D. Aleksa
D. Aleksa Lithuania
M. Šetkus
M. Šetkus #41 Lithuania
M. Youla
M. Youla Sweden
Y. Zahary
Y. Zahary #26 Comoros
J. Moutachy
J. Moutachy #45 France
C. Olses
C. Olses Venezuela
Joris Aliukonis
Joris Aliukonis #56 Lithuania
Á. Tordai
Á. Tordai #96 Romania