Match Info

Lahti Akatemia
Lahti Akatemia has maintained their scoring momentum, finding the back of the net in each of their last 3 matches.
Lahti Akatemia
Lahti Akatemia is facing challenges in defence, having conceded goals in their last 3 matches.
Lahti Akatemia
Lahti Akatemia is on a remarkable run, achieving 3 wins in a row!
EIF Akademi
EIF Akademi has maintained their scoring momentum, finding the back of the net in each of their last 3 matches.
M. Kämäräinen
M. Kämäräinen made an immediate impact, scoring a goal just in several minutes of play. This quick strike gave the team a crucial boost.
(3 - 1) HT
(3 - 1)
S. Varjovirta
(2 - 1)
J. Utriainen
(1 - 1)
T. Ryhänen
(1 - 0)
M. Kämäräinen
Match started
28/04/2024 14:30 Finished
Lahti Akatemia
Lahti Akatemia
3 - 1(3 - 1) HT
EIF Akademi
EIF Akademi
Predictions Stats

No predictions have been made for this match.